Jamestown project for Pacific Gas & Electric

Ecoplexus is pleased to announce it is the first solar developer to receive a solar use easement under the revised rules for Williamson Act properties in California. Legislation was passed in 2011 which allowed review of Williamson Act lands for such purposes. The project was awarded a Power Purchase Agreement from PG&E and will begin selling power to them in the first half of 2013.

Colorado Department of Corrections

The project will take advantage of the excellent solar resources in the area and land adjacent to the facility. Ecoplexus has been working with CDOC for some time now on this initiative. The solar arrays will be built under Xcel Energy’s Solar Rewards Community and Standard Solar Rewards programs. The community solar array will be 2MWs in size and be directly interconnected to Xcel’s grid in front of the facility. It will provide power and savings, in the form of bill credits for all subscribers to the solar garden, to the Sterling Facility and other City and University customers in the Sterling area.

There will be an additional array which will provide power directly the facility’s electrical system under Xcel Energy’s Standard Solar Rewards program. Ecoplexus is excited to be working with CDOC in an effort to acheive their goals for cleaner energy. Xcel energy awarded the project to Ecoplexus in a competitive tender RFP.

City of Watsonville California and Ecoplexus

Ecoplexus is proud to be working with the City of Watsonville, CA. Today Ecoplexus has begun preparing four city sites for construction of solar power plants. Ecoplexus was selected for a design, build and operate contract in a competitive tender.

The four sites which will be going solar include the city’s New Water Operations Center and Water Recycling Facility. This facility provides recycled and cleaned waste water to farmers across the surrounding counties. Additionally City Hall, the Municipal Service Center, and the Materials Recycling Plant.

The ground and roof mounted solar plant for the Water Center had to be specifically designed to integrate with the facility’s pumping equipment and operations. This required both an in depth financial as well as engineering analysis.

Ecoplexus financial and engineering teams excel in these areas and the final solar plant will deliver maximum ROI and savings for the City.